Building the Su$tainable Company_

Finally, doing good pays off. You no longer need to choose between doing good and making money.

Key Topics & Questions

The Key Challenge + -

On a Global Level, only 2%* of Corporate Innovations within the field of Sustainability are successful.

By combining and mastering Change Management, Innovation and Product Development tools, the expertise and knowledge from Industry Experts and Scientists with the Awareness for Sustainability Strategies as a main Driver for future Competitive Advantage, our 4-Step Consulting model is able to close the Design vs. Innovation gap.

Why now? + -

  • The purpose led “Sustainable Living Brands” are growing 69% faster than the rest of the Unilever Product Range, delivering 75% of total Growth
  • Ethical Focused Companies out performing the average S&P 500 by double figures
  • 80% of all Companies state that Sustainability will become a significant purchasing Criteria
  • 81% of Students want to work for a Company that „makes a Difference“
  • 90% of CEOs state that Sustainability is critical to their Company’s success
  • 5,7 Trillion Dollar: the Total Market of Low Carbon and Environmental Service Industry
  • Industry Agreements like Ellen Mac Arthur (Global Consumer Good Companies are obliged to significantly reduce Plastics)
  • Global Commitments like the Paris Agreement

How? + -

Depending on the Sustainability Readiness Level SRL and the jointly defined Strategic Goals, we explore new Sustainable Business Ideas through an end-to-end customer-focused Innovation Process. By analysing the Value Chain, the Hot spots for Optimization and Innovation – using concepts of Sustainability and Circular Economy – are identified, evaluated and prioritized.

Taxonomie und Green Finance + -

Börsennotierte Unternehmen, Unternehmen von öffentlichem Interesse und mit mehr als 500 Mitarbeitern müssen erstmals mit 2018 Nachhaltigkeit dokumentieren. Dabei geht es um mehr als CO2-Emissionen, den Kauf von CO2-Rechten oder Vermeidung von möglichen Strafzahlungen. Dazu braucht es Aufträge vom Vorstand, Kontrolle durch die Aufsichtsräte, Orientierungssysteme, prüfbare Kennzahlen, Zertifizierungen, Bilanzierung und Kriterien für den Fortschritt. Letztendlich werden auch die Rating-Agenturen diese Dimension nicht mehr aussparen.

Business Development + -

Strategieberatung, Positionierung, Analyse Wettbewerb & Märkte, Technologie, vom Startup zum Global Player.

Green Marketing & PR + -

Marketing mit Schwerpunkt B2B, Strategie, Corporate Identity und Design, Positionierung, Zielgruppen und PR.

Leadership & Coaching + -

Gestaltung und Implementierung von soziotechnischen Systemen, Unternehmensorganisation und Führung, Female Leadership.

Exponential Growth + -

Learn the Silicon Valley Mindset, Wachstumsstrategien, Out of the Box Thinking, Silicon Valley Workshops, Learn from the best.

Consulting Model Overview (PDF)_

Interdisciplinary 4-Step Su$tainability Consulting Model_

We enable Organizations to monetize the Megatrend Sustainability by understanding its Business Opportunities, New Rules, aligning Business Strategies and building irresistible Products and Services.

Depending on the Sustainability Readiness Level SRL and the jointly defined Strategic Goals, we explore new Sustainable Business Ideas through an end-to-end customer-focused Innovation Process.

By analysing the Value Chain, the Hot spots for Optimization and Innovation – using concepts of Sustainability and Circular Economy – are identified, evaluated and prioritized.


External and internal Drivers shaping Sustainability

Laws & Regulations

Investor Relations

European Green Deal

Industry Agreements

Employer Branding


Action Plan for Contributions and Continuous Improvements needed to meet the UN Sustainability Goals (SDG) within the Environmental, Social and Governance Framework (ESG)


Key Figures

Legal Requirements

Corporate Social

Responsibility Reporting

EU Taxonomy Regulations


Organizational skills needed to undergo a Transformation in Strategy, Operations and Mindset, to shape sustainable market solutions


Identify, evaluate, improve and innovate the weak spots within the Value Chain


Depending on the SRL Level and strategic goals, Customer focused Exploration of Sustainable Business Ideas


Lean Start up and Design Thinking methodologies focusing on Market and Technology gaps

Portfolio Analysis

Idea generation

Management buy-in

Team building

Early Market Tests

Iterate and Learn

Business Case


Applying Innovations into a real business environment


Close the critical Gap between Goals and Abilities

Pushing the performance and improving the Value Chain


Pre & Pilot Validation

MVP & Prototype Building

Loops and Iteration

Technical Feasibility

External Sourcing

Patents, IP, UX


Serial Production

Value Streams

Revenue Models


Framework for defining Goals within the Product Development and eveluating the Sustainability Impact

Gain Competitive Advantage

Avoid negative Impacts

Save Resources


Role Customer

Target Groups

Market Segmentation

Communication & Sales Channels

Customer Journey

Growth Hacking


Build and establish cross departmental Teams solely responsible for immediate Growth


Set up the Organisational Capabilities and Structure needed for boosting Sales Performance

Permanently pivot the Internal Performance vs. the potential Benefits of Ventures and Spin-offs


Constantly analyse and measure the Effectiveness of Innovations within in the Market and learn from that Experience

Wir denken seit Jahren im Kreis, dabei schon immer voraus_

Wir sind mehr Movement als klassische Unternehmensberatung. Weil neue Herausforderungen auch eine neue Form der Beratung brauchen. Ein Zusammenschluss heller Köpfe, spannender Persönlichkeiten und den führenden Forschern, Nerds und Spezialisten. Unser Team besteht aus einigen der führenden Experten jener Beratungsfelder, die für Nachhaltigkeit relevant sind, sowie den wesentlichen Playern aus Wissenschaft und Forschung, Innovationsmanagement, Produkt Entwicklung, Internationales Recht, NGOs, Gesetzliche und normative Rahmenbedingungen, Public Relations, Leadership, Strategie und Business Development.

Dr. Eva Glawischnig + -

Corporate Sustainability (Novomatic AG), Parteichefin und Klubchefin, Juristin mit Schwerpunkt Umweltrecht (Global 2000), Taxonomie, Speaker, Public Relations, Leadership

Kristiana Roth MSC + -

Arbeitet und forscht unter anderem an der FH Oberösterreich, International Senior Management Consultant, Scientist, Researcher, Design Thinking & Innovation Expert

Mag. Friedrich Breidenbach + -

Founder & Entrepreneur, Strategy Consultant, Communications, Business Development, Innovation & Product Development

Gerald Doblhammer + -

Senior Consultant und Project Manager, Strategy & Business Development mit Fokus auf Wachstum, Financial Performance and Agility

Mag. Christian Premm + -

C-Level Management Experience, Legal Advice & Human Resources, Organisation Design and Development, Finance, M&A

Markus Roth + -

Entrepreneur and Consultant, Digital Evangelist, Technology Exploration and Digital Strategies, Product Development & Innovation Process

International Partner Network + -

Fraunhofer IWKS & ISC, Montanuniversität Leoben, PTS, EPEA Institute, Reclay, FH Wien

Schreib uns_

Design Thinking, Innovation

Kristiana Roth MSc

Green Marketing, Business Development

Mag. Friedrich Breidenbach

Taxonomie, External Relations, Nachhaltigkeit

Dr. Eva Glawischnig


    1160 Vienna

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    "Nachhaltigkeit ist für mich kein Ziel, das man erreichen kann, sondern ein sich ständiges Bemühen und Weiterentwickeln entlang eines gemeinsamen Wertekompass von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft auf der Basis, dass wir Teil dieser Welt sind.“

    - Dr. Eva Glawischnig -


      Less Blah Blah, more Do.

      Wir sind das „Do“ im Sustainability Consulting. In den Schubladen und Flip Charts der Unternehmen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Universitäten schlummert das ungenützte Potential für eine grüne Industrielle Revolution. Wir sind angetreten um das zu ändern. Unser Fokus ist die Kompetenz der Umsetzung, des Tuns, des Machens. Spannend, oder?

      Unsere Leistungen

      Taxonomie, Green Finance, Business Development, Green Marketing, Innovation, Leadership, Coaching, Fördermittel

      • Dr. Eva Glawischnig
      • MSc Kristiana Roth
      • Mag. Friedrich Breidenbach